Our Philosophy


We believe that children are entitled to an environment and opportunities that foster physical, intellectual, language, emotional and social development.

No one area of development is more important than that of another. We encourage the acquisition of skills in all these areas through solitary activities, small group cooperative activities, and large group activities. Solitary and small group activities are most often self-directed, while large group activities, such as circle time, are often facilitated by a teacher. Our goal at Adventure Preschool is to encourage the acquisition of new skills. We encourage independence in areas of self-help, creative exploration, socializing, and problem-solving skills.

It has been said that play is the “child’s work”. We strive to offer a stimulating, encouraging and positive environment for growth and development within the framework of “play.”  Emphasis is placed on the process rather than the product. 



Our Curriculum is developed with the interest of the children in mind. Each child will be encouraged and supported to develop positive relationships with one and another and the teachers. Our goal is to provide a safe and healthy learning environment in which each child can feel secure.

Families can expect the teachers to:

  • Model respectful behavior at all times

  • Promote the development of positive social skills including self-esteem and self-control

  • Encourage children to understand and follow simple rules

  • Child supervision at all times 

  • Help the children prepare for kindergarten through play-based learning 

  • Encourage positive reinforcement rather than negative 

  • Stimulate learning through experiments and sensory play.

Teachers will strive to:

  • Establish consistent yet clear and simple expectations

  • Set age-appropriate limits and provide positive reinforcement 

  • Acknowledge and validate children’s feelings

  • Provide developmentally appropriate choices

  • Demonstrate respectful affection and caring for each child

  • Provided verbal or demonstrative redirection as the main way of guiding children

  • Gently intervene when needed to ensure the safety of all children

  • Make children aware that the teachers are there to assist them in solving their problems

  • Encourage appropriate behavior

  • Provide the setting to practice sitting together, participating in, and listening to circle time activities with their peers and teachers

Teachers are trained and understand that several strategies may be needed to respond to a child’s behavior and learning. This wide variety provides the teachers with a more successful learning experience for all. Our teacher understands that all children are individuals and have different behaviors and learning ques and each child may need different learning and encouragement styles. We encourage all families to ask teachers about their methods at any time